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Carly + Dan :: Chesapeake Bay Beach Club, Stevensville, MD

Sara Vars

Carly and Dan were married at the Chesapeake Bay Beach Club in Stevensville, MD on a wonderfully hot day in September. The initial forecast was rain all day, so we were happy to have some sun! The beach club is just fabulous--being able to see the bay bridge, hear the water against the shore, and witness the sunset over the water is such a treat.

Their first look was so sweet and emotional, a note from Dan moving Carly to tears. Their ceremony was incredibly special as well as they wrote their own vows from the heart. Carly leaned over to wipe the tears from Dan's cheek at one point and he did the same for her. The deep love that they have for each other was so evident. After a cocktail hour complete with an amazing sunset, they celebrated with a memorable first dance and toasts that followed that reflected just how perfect they are for each other!

Dancing was in the Tavern Bayside which is such a unique space where you could hear the water from below. They began with parent dances and then opened the floor for the party to happen! It was fantastic and several of Carly's cousins proved to be quite capable on the dance floor! Congratulations Carly and Dan!

chesapeake bay beach club wedding couple walking on sand

chesapeake bay beach club wedding couple on beach at sunset

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