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Katie + Daniel :: Carroll County Farm Museum, Westminister, MD

Sara Vars

What a cool place! Sweeping grassy hills, tall trees and a variety of buildings made it such a unique location for a wedding. Katie and Daniel had an outdoor ceremony on the lawn behind the farmhouse. It was the perfect little oasis for an intimate wedding with Daniel's father officiating. Following the ceremony, the guests moved over to the reception barn for dinner and dancing. The DJ managed to get the crowd moving after a delicious spread of barbecued meats and sides. What an amazing evening it was for them, celebrating with their family and friends! Congratulations Katie and Daniel!

dress hanging barn

carroll county farm museum wedding ceremony

vows at carroll country farm museum

family photos carroll country farm museum

bridal party photo carroll county farm museum

couple kissing carroll county farm museum

wisteria archway carroll country farm museum

couple walking carroll country farm museum

wedding favor mason jar carroll country farm museum

giant sunflower carroll country farm museum

reception details carroll country farm museum

couple dancing carroll country farm museum

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